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COMMENT #519 [link] ...W.E.Todd said on 9/4/2005 @ 9:19am PT... Boy are you gonna be embarrassed when you realize that the poor prior planning of the local N.O. government and the LA state government [Democrats, all] whose petty partisan bickering and ass-covering made this situation the cluster-fuck it now is. But those are facts; something I see that you find difficult to integrate into your world-view. COMMENT #520 jarhead collector's edition (widescreen) [link] ...INDIAN-GUY said on 9/4/2005 @ 9:21am PT... Hi,I am from jarhead collector's edition (widescreen) Boston, and I have seen Army's ex-Duck-Trucks being used for Duck-Tours. These Trucks are Amazing they can move jarhead collector's edition (widescreen) on both Land and Water at Good Speeds.