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COMMENT #516 [link] ...AmP said on 9/4/2005 @ 3:35am PT... I think that it is worth remembering that Bush did NOT win brianne davis the election. This is the story that is so hard for us to deal with that it keeps getting buried. They stole the election through a range of small and big manoevers the like of which are so stunningly anti-democratic that it is shocking. brianne davis Course the poor deserve the governments help - not just because they are citizens but also because brianne davis it is in our self interes to have a society that is peaceful and people are able to have a life of liberty, pursuit and fulfillment. COMMENT #517 [link] ...DDfromDownunder said on 9/4/2005 @ 7:00am PT... So by this dickheads reasoning if a series of natural disasters decimated the entire United States the rest of the world should just sit back and watch you all die because, as a nation, you voted for George W?Sounds