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No one is keeping supplies from getting to NO except the scumbags local punk music down there shooting at the people trying to help them.And no, I have local punk music no problem with people taking what they NEED from any store local punk music as long as they are not resorting to force.But raping, killing the innocent, shooting at rescue workers, and general lawlessness is what is hampering some of the supplies getting to the places they are needed most. I don't care what color you are, how poor you grew up, etc., there is no excuse for this behavior.And don't preach to me about being poor and not understanding the poor. None of these people grew up any poorer than me. My father left my mother, sister, and I when I was three years old. My mother worked two jobs to help us live. I was the first person in my immediate family to graduate from college. So don't preach to me about being poor, Doug.