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That is all the fluctuating prices and non-chalant hubbub is aboutAnd especially in Texas, the anti-war movement has been welcomed and has reached a crescendo. There is no going back now. Like it or not, the war was definitely for oil. What still is confusing, and will confuse you people, robert b. weide is the prices of oil. Its this simple though, the Iraqis and robert b. weide "brown people" (don't call them that please, robert b. weide its racist!) basically don't want their god damn oil taken.They and the insurgents or Iraqi civilians blow up the oil drums everytime halliburton tries to steal some more. They are constantly blowing up the fuel and resource lines, to make Halliburton's life living hell, and so we won't steal. Meanwhile, we take as much from them as possible and then rebuild the rest of the country. So while we steal and make money they get basically nothing and the Iraqi congress cleans up the mess.