write, makaveli bootleg, drugs, michael griffiths (ii), music promotion, jarhead(widescreen edition), funny videos, real audio rap, deathrow, makaveli script, drama, motherfucker, personal narrative non fiction,
Don's got it right. We should expect people to behave music community with respect for music community one another in a crisis such as this, despite the difficult situations. That's what being human music community is supposed to be about. I can understand someone sitting outside the Superdome being frustrated at the government and not having food and water available. I'll never understand someone who uses a disaster as an excuse to murder, steal, and rape...I we shouldn't have to. COMMENT #310 [link] ...jesusland joe said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:57pm PT... Answer the question, Doug!Well, you won't answer the question so it is obvious that I am right. I already knew I was. I just wanted to make a point.Goodnight, moonbats! I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow. I have to take clothes to the church for our guests from NO, have to work, then help cook for 800 refugees before watching my son play football.