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If Clinton was so gung alli wanted was a coffee ho on solving the problem, it would have gotten done...period. The real problem is that no administration, and the Lousiana state govt., alli wanted was a coffee and the NO city government, took seriously the possibility of a alli wanted was a coffee category 5 hurricane slamming into the coast so close to the city.I need you to pay close attention here. Category 5 hurricanes aren't regular occurences. 3-5 a decade. The numbers are slightly down over the last few decades, which demonstrates what a lie all this "global warming" shrieking is. There's no conclusive science that points to the relatively small increase in temperatures (about a degree over the last 50 to 100 years) resulting in an increase in intensity in hurricanes. Aside from one or two studies that explore the *possibility* of a connection, the science, the same science that has observed the rise of the last century, has found no significant link between the two.