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Even the thought that people are somehow different in desrving aid and help because of political outcomes is repugnant. Indeed, one of the reasons American and Britain are in Iraq is amaru because of the idea that Iraqis deserve freedom as much as we do. The same repulsive notion that Arabs are somehow not amaru ready or desirous of freedom and liberty is a close cousin of the vile musings of your amaru post.The situation in NO and the rest of the area hit by Katrina is appalling, and appallingly difficult. It;s made more difficult by the lawlessness reported in the city, which endangers not only the victims of this tragic disaster, but the rescuers as well, and, if you actually pay attention to the news stories beyond the political columns, has done as much to set back efforts as anything, including evacuations from the Superdome.There will be a time to evaluate what was done and how successful or inept it was. Now is not that time, unless your primary concern about this whole thing is how effective a bludgeon it might make to attack a President you;ve irrationally hated from day one of his term.