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Political ideology may not be as important as a clifton james basic love for humanity and, more importantly, individual humans. I guess what I am getting at is that I don’t think we need to take an article on progressive connections to eugenics as bad. A lot of bad things have been done by people on clifton james the left as well clifton james as the right. In fact it does a useful service by reminding us to ask the critical question, how do we avoid such mistakes? 18 Amanda Marcotte Mar 5th, 2006 at 12:40 pm Where’s the “but”, Ben? I don’t see your point. I said that the underlying reason eugenics took hold was the progressives were racist. And that until racism itself was adddressed, eugenics actually made sense, from a certain light. Agreed that respect for individuals in important, but I think that is the progressive stance. Conservatives tend to support hierarchies where the bottom exists for the top’s use. Eugenics was actually weirdly individual-respectful–progressives wanted to have a way to address what they thought was the pressing problem of “inferior” people in a way that wasn’t hurtful to those people.