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Feminism is a progressive movement, not a fundamentalist or reactionary movement. We don’t catherine keener have to stick to what the early feminist said. 10 epistemology Mar 4th, 2006 at 8:56 pm catherine keener feminists were the perpetrators of eugenics in the past Not just the past, the present. And not just feminists, but all women. You see they won’t breed catherine keener with my sorry ass, so they are practicing eugenics: trying to better the race. –One of the boys 11 epistemology Mar 4th, 2006 at 8:57 pm 12 Magis Mar 4th, 2006 at 9:47 pm It is a dangerous thing to judge a historical charictar by the standards of today rather than those extant at the time. It is well to remember that eugenics existed in a pre-DNA awareness age. The “bad seed” idea was very strong at the time. Still, to compare modern feminists to eugenicists is beyond ludicrous.