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With their kung-fu and their silly chang-chang-chong talk! We can't understand you! Go back to yer company names country! White power! company names [while looking at a picture of the Osbournes] Silky Johnson: I like the girl's song "Papa Don't Preach". I got a new song for ya, bitch. It's called "Daughter Don't Sang". Silky Johnson: I like the song the girl sings, "Papa Don't Preach". I got a song for you too, Bitch. It's called, "Daughter Don't Sing". [thinking] Dave Chappelle: company names Bicycle. Monkey. Ashy Larry. [P. Diddy hosts "Making the Band"] P. Diddy: All right, you guys ain't working as a team. I'm gonna have to shut down the studio. The only way I'll reopen the studio is if you go up to the Bronx, and get me some breast milk from a Cambodian immigrant. P. Diddy: All right, I got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that I'm gonna have to shut down the studio.