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[as he's leaving] Grits 'n jill soloway Gravy: When I leave, jill soloway close together like butt cheeks. [in "Trading Spouses," Leonard Washington lives with a white family] [rap music is blaring] Leonard Washington: Hey! What the hell you listening to? White Kid: It's the new 50 Cent. Man, I'm from the streets! G-G-G G-G-G G-Unit! Leonard Washington: Come on... get in the car. G-G-G G-G-G Get your ass in the car! Charlie Murphy: Well, I gotta admit... Um... It was a good game. jill soloway Prince: I wish I could say the same for you and your crew of flunkies. You guys want some grapes?... Bitches. Dave Chappelle: Who? Who's Nick Cannon? Chappelle's Kid: Daddy, [with huge grin on face] Chappelle's Kid: Nick Cannon's 'ilarious. Dave Chappelle: Man, fuck you son! I'm glad you think he's so gaddamn hilarious because he just walked off with your school clothes money. It's, isn't it? I'm broke nigga, I'm broke! [Darius' grandmother catches him masturbating in the bathroom] Darius: Granny, don't!