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Previously: Overheard Celebrity Movie Reviews: Elijah Wood On 'Narnia' [Defamer] Overheard: Agent Mulder Didn't Love "Elizabethtown" [Defamer] READ MORE: clint eastwood, online music promotion overheard, sightings Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Brad Renfro Seen Near Pancakes Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT] (please put “sighting” or “PrivacyWatch” in the subject line) and let everyone know that Jake Gyllenhaal's feeble attempts to obscure his identity while in public will inevitably fail. In today's decidedly two-dimensional, post-Oscars episode: Brad Renfro; Steven Spielberg, Les Moonves, Jon Turtletaub, and Bill Pullman; George Lucas; Heath online music promotion Ledger; Keira Knightley and online music promotion Claire Forlani x2; JJ Abrams; Laurence Fishburne and Jake Gyllenhaal; Elisabeth Shue and Paul Haggis (!);
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