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Nor is there any linguistic connection structurally between "motherfucker" and such current African-American expressions as "babyfather" or "babymama." Such a presumption demonstrates a lack of even sexy a rudimentary understanding of the evolution of what is in some circles called "Black English" sexy or "Ebonics," and does not hold up to even casual scrutiny. Linguistically, "motherfucker" is no different in structure from "cocksucker" or, for that matter, "bricklayer" or "sharecropper." Instead, it is far more plausible "motherfucker" referred to those unfortunate black men who, unaware sexy of their lineage, were found to have slept with their mothers or other close relations. Further, "motherfucker" may not be contemporaneous with slavery at all, even though it seems clear its origins are rooted in that despicable institution.
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