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I can only hope that my prayers and my pleading with God for forgiveness will be enough to block the effects of the curse. This is my story, use me as an example; don't read Harry Potter. I plead laz alonso with laz alonso you, let as many people as possible know of my tale so that they to don't have Satan enter their lives. Mike Rios I just had some questions about your website. Why do you feel you need to blaspheme the one laz alonso and only God of everything. He does Love all of us thats the reason he died. So that we could live. I hope and pray that you will think about what you are doing. Please if you have any questions i would be happy to help. Carolines on Broadway presents the 6 Pack Of Comedy - November 5th, 2003 Featuring Ardie Fuqua, Dov Davidoff, Robert Kelly, Sherrod Small, Steve Byrne & Godfrey What better way to spend a rainy Wednesday night then on Broadway, seeing a bunch of comedians you probably haven't seen or heard of?