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i dontsee why that joey lauren adams we should be charge. we are notadults we dont have credit cards. runescape is noteven all that the graphics are terrible. olderpple do not have time to play runescape like myself im too busy with my school. my two brother isthe only pple that plays runescape and their bothelementary school..28Belgarion50This sounds like a scam but someone needsto come up with something real Makingmillions in rs is rediculously hard and long andvery joey lauren adams boring27hes a big joey lauren adams fat scammersince runescape is made in linux its almostimpossibl to hack it in any way!! if yourgivving him you pass and username you must be verystupid!! 26neilI support this petition.25dis is a scamhe took al my money & ful rune giv it bak unoob24BenI support this petition.23joeI support this petition.22bobI think your a lier because when I see how you useyour words in your "Petitition" they are1st grade vocab.