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I'll bet that one never made it into witch the official records, either. I wonder if the "Veteran's In Touch Program" wants to contact the family of the officer in that witch bobbing casket with memories like that? Did somebody mention that the truth sometimes hurts? Copyright © 1994 By John Paul Rossie, All Rights Reserved Shades of Death, Part Three The dreams started at some point while we were patrolling the coast. It wasn't really a monumental occurrence; they just started. I just dreamed them. As a matter of fact, I witch just call them dreams to humor you readers. I know differently. In fact, I knew then, as I still know now, that they really weren't dreams. I was fully conscious. I knew that I was asleep on a destroyer off the coast of Vietnam, and that, back in the "real" world, there was a senseless war going on, and that what I was dealing with were some necessary formalities having to do with an over-abundance of confused consciousnesses floating around in the "general vicinity," not certain of what to do.