FUCKING PATHETIC. Obviously, Billie softcore katherine randolph

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FUCKING PATHETIC. Obviously, Billie andAdrienne are happy together, and that's cool.Yes, he's good-looking and talented, but soare millions of other guys in the world, so...setyour sights on someone you have a chance with andlove Billie for his music! It pisses me offwhenever I read someone saying that they hate heror that she's ugly - because I think you'dhave to be visually impaired to katherine randolph think thatAdrienne katherine randolph is ugly when she's clearly completelygorgeous katherine randolph - but that's not the point. As a fan,I think it's awesome that they're happyand have a nice family. And that's the end ofmy rant. 289IndigoI'll make this short and to the point. Ahem...Billie loves Adie and Adie loves Billie so getover it!!!!!!!!!!!288bobtotally287meghanadie and billie are so hawt together. i makelayouts of them all the time. if u want any add mecrazy_child_76@hotmail.com all u aide hatesdie bitch burn in hell286FUCK...wht's
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