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Leonard, You are a weak disciple, but we forgive you because at least you seek salvation through the Word of the eXile. So, to answer your directors question: you are allowed to read whatever Dr. Dolan tells you is good, and not directors allowed to read whatever Dr. Dolan tells you is bad. We're not sure what is so arbitrary about that. It's as clear as the directors holes in Christ's hands, for Chrissakes! IT'S ALL GREEK TO US ‰õ·òàé ‰÷í£! î ôõë‡ï÷íìÀ ¾ í÷ âí‡À, „õ‚õòìÿ÷ ïì úà æõ-òùôôîì, íõ ðõé ‡í„ïìéôîìé ôïì·îõð æïõ¦, ˜ÿõ·à æìô‡ÿ£ æìô£ð‡. Ø í‡‰÷Àô£, ˜ÿõ úà æòõ˜ìÿ‡÷ÿ÷ ðõ÷ æìô£ðõ í‡ òùôôîõð. ú æõôï÷‰í÷ð ‚àæùôî÷ ú‡·÷é „‡â÷ÿà ·àï‡ ôÿ‡ÿ£¾ æòõ æò÷‰ïõë÷íì÷ õÿ ÚÎú. Åí÷ æõî‡â‡ïõô£, ˜ÿõ ìôÿìííà÷ æòì˜ìíà ú‡·÷é õ·ì‰à í‡ ôõÿòù‰íìîõ‚ ÚÎú „ïù·ë÷, ˜÷ð úà æì·÷ÿ÷. ãôïì ë÷ í‡ ô‡ðõð ‰÷ï÷ ‚ô÷ ·àïõ ÿõï£îõ ÿ‡î, î‡î ÿ‡ð í‡æìô‡íõ, ÿõ ˜÷ôÿíõ „õ‚õò¾ ôÿ‡ÿ£¾ ‚à„ノìÿ ‰õ‚õï£íõ ôõ.