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if u everread this just know that not only are u beautifulbut u are really lucky cause' ur husband isvery handsome and talented!Haters can go fuckthemselves!U rock Adrienne!292mrs way*cough*omg ewwwwww billie joe is ugly gerad is wayhotter291natyshi billy!!!! im naty im from argentina an ilove you...jeje metal god love you billy jesus love you remember that ok?plis green day is the best when youcome to argentina remember me plissss bye... 290AndreaAnyone who metal says metal that they "hate" someonewho they don't even know is ridiculously sad.Famous people's spouses shouldn't becriticized just because they're famous, and ifyou're a fan, you should love the music, andthat really should be all that really matters.It's incredibly immature and pathetic to saythat Adrienne (or any other famous person'shusband/wife) should die or that you would killthem.