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That is not the case. And it wasn't an assumption. It was an opinion. Big difference. 98-Apr-12 tcmeyers@USIT.NET If I was one of those scientists, I wouldn't of said there was a 2 pac shakur miscalculation. That way, all the stupid people would commit suicide and population would be under better control. Besides, it would make for a good laugh, wouldn't it? There's no reason to worry about dying, indeed I don't 2 pac shakur think that death is the end-all close-all. Time and the universe are 2 pac shakur infinite, so after I die I can just wait for some stupid aliens to put me back together like a lego set. :) 98-Apr-12 I agree!! With the end of the world thing, that is. What's the point of living when you spend everyday worrying about when you're gonna die? Not much if ya ask me. I remember hearing something about the asteroid coming towards Earth, but didn't pay much attention to it becuz...well...what