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This isn't some error in date keeping folks, like some people explain, but rather a chance for us to say "Oh, [insert gwyneth paltrow uppity bitch laugh here], it must be coming NEXT year, [repeat gwyneth paltrow aforementioned laugh]!" It's not like anything will happen naturally anyways. Even if something did happen, we gwyneth paltrow would never notice it because we will be too caught up in making what we think should happen true. People cry of massive wars and riots, and destruction. Well, sure, if everyone is going to get drunk to herald in their death, it's not that far of a jump to think that they will create what they expect. So what if the world does end in 2000 (or 2001)? Let's assume it does for a second... does it change anything? Not really. We already know that we're going to die eventually, that's a stark inevitability of life. Why should it matter that we die in 2 years instead of 40 years?