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They won't leave me alone If I would have known back then what I know now I 'd take it back If I would seth green have known back then what I know now I 'd take it back, I'd take it back I'd take it all fuckin' back Stay away stay away Hold me I'm shaking violently Pull me out seth green of my covering Mold me into a new man Lull me into a deep sleep There's no use to fight this wrenching seth green tourniquet of deprivation obedience subservience leads to substance Even if you want you can't stop Internal primates forever 4. -1 Losses, losers and more, gain of life's pleasures cohorts listen behind the doors to a life meaningless less than 0 in me all my walls falling down pains aloft misery I'm sure that the lessons were learned I'm sure that the punishments went well deserved by the pawn in the plan taste of shit bitterness walk from me everything systematically Come on youweretheone youweretheone, To dredge up shit inside of me in my pointless life of nothing Tell me what I'm supposed to be Tell me who I'm supposed to be Tell me what it takes to ascend Tell me what it takes to live Patience, pleasures and rewards, come in due time stare at the sun I'm bored in a life meaningless soaking up all of me like the cross you worship