wylde, free us code, 2 pac, there goes the neighborhood, music cd production, landgrant review, adam goldberg, insult, marissa ribisi, holocaust denial, mos def, gang related, cole hauser, hip hop, marthawainwright, splash, r.d. reid, donal sutherland, literary salons, real audio, trademark, nate, george w. bush, neo nazi,
Just lookat it...realize you don't like it, and thenmove on with your life instead of leaving moreidiotic comments!! And then to those who hatedthis show, what the fuck??? I have a solution toyou...maybe you didn't understand it whenother poeple said it, so I'll try.....CHANGETHE MOTHER FUCKING CHANNEL DUMBASSES!! Okay, andya'll are probably like she's a hypocritsaying if you don't like this site tupac don'tcome here, tupac welll....I had to say this because youguys are REALLY tupac fucktarded and I came here becausemy friend was trying to show me what Gulla GullaIsland was, because I have never seen it beforeand she said it was awesome!!