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One day, she sends the t-shirt featured prominently in a sexy photo back to him. So we get that. We get that he is jealous and unsure of his relationship and unhappy. tom sizemore What we don't get is the tom sizemore reason why he starts to act crazy. It's almost as though there is a scene missing in the development of this trait. One moment, he is bored and anxious about his relationship. The next he's buying homemade alcohol and dancing around wearing nothing but two Santa caps, one of tom sizemore which is on his head. There is also supposed to be a relationship between Swoff (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Troy (Peter Saarsgard), the two central characters, we are supposed to live this experience through them. Troy is Swoff's buddy, confident and partner, the guy who `has his back'. In one scene, Troy helps Swoff deal with an issue, but that is about it.