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Previously: Overheard Celebrity Movie Reviews: Elijah Wood On 'Narnia' [Defamer] READ MORE: brokeback mountain, crash, sightings Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Goldie And Kurt Hold Court With Old Friends francs2000 Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers. Send yours to tips[AT] (please put “sighting” or “PrivacyWatch” in the subject line) so everyone can know francs2000 about the time you and Ben "Gandhi" Kingsley fought over the last container of Trader Joe's francs2000 rice pudding. In today’s aging, thoroughly B-list episode: Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russell, Greg Kinnear, Dennis Quaid, Martin Short and Dustin Hoffman; Ben Kingsley; Charlie Kaufman; Jake Gyllenhaal; Jon Voight, Rosanna Arquette, and Dolph Lundgren; David Schwimmer; James Spader and Eric Stoltz; Adam Arkin; Mickey Rourke and Corey Feldman; Bobby Cannavale and Peter Dinklage; Cuba Gooding Jr.,
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