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Sounds to me like Springfield is brewing up another batch of dangerously repressed homosexuals to join the likes of Pat Robertson, snoop Lon Mabon, David Geffen and their crews. Maybe you could help them by dropping a couple of coming out pamphlets into their lockers. And while you're at it, snoop toss in a copy of Queer Nasty, too. P.S. Think about buying a machete. You can emboss a pink triangle into the handle -- Just like Mother Nasty's. Dear Mother Nasty, I'm snoop a Dyke, and proud of it. I like feeling powerful, and knowing I'm not a man, and will never need a man. It pisses me off when I see so-called dykes who dress and act like housewives. Don't they realize that their poofed-up hair and flowery dresses are only helping to repress all womyn, and enforce the stereotypes mewn have created for us?