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Love, Mother Nasty Dear Mother Nasty,     I have just jamie foxx moved to San Francisco, the true mecca for queers, and am enjoying living in a free atmosphere. I read all of the gay publications I find.     What amazes me, as I read the personals, is the number of men who describe themselves as "Straight-Acting." I often wonder what they mean by that. Does jamie foxx it mean that they only "fag it up" in the Castro (gay holy ground) while back at the office jamie foxx they talk about their girlfriends? Or does "straight-acting" describe some sort of perverse sexual acts they commit with their same sex partners?     I've asked my straight friends this question and they don't know either. They tell me they act the way they are and do not pretend to be anything else. So Mother Nasty, I turn to you for the answer.
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