King of Vicodin. And robert wightman religion

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King of Vicodin. And Cyclobenzaprine. And Valium. I should stop now.**********************************************************************To the Red Sox:I want you to win, but please don’t do so tonight. Can you do it tomorrow? Because then I might be able to take a half-day and go up to Boston, and I really think I have a good chance of procreating religion if you win, but only if I’m in Boston. religion Which is where I won’t be tonight, but where I may be able to be tomorrow night. Understood?So don’t win tonight. I’m rocking religion my playoff beard for you, and I think this is the least you can do for me.Love,Jason MulgrewInternet Quasi-Celebrity RSS | Disclaimer Copyright © 2004-2006 Jason Mulgrew, All Rights Reserved |  Home The Web MySpace     Help |  SignUp  Home  |  Browse  |  Search  |  Invite  |  Film  |  Mail  |  Blog  |  Favorites  |  Forum  |  Groups  |  Events  |  Videos  |  Music  |  Classifieds Music Videos  |  Directory  |  Search  |  Top Artists  |  Shows  |  Features  |  Music
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