Fax: 44.8701215556 Technical Contact: graduate name development

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Fax: 44.8701215556 Technical Contact: Sheppard, Mark tech-contact@ddf.net name development Basement Rear 66 Brunswick Place Hove, East Sussex BN3 1NB GB name development 1.4407442144 Fax: 44.8701215556 [reply] by lemon404 on 3/04/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs it pops out in google with the "ie7" search string!! 4th position !!! w00t [reply] by thund3rstruck on 3/04/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs I must admit, I've been using IE7 Beta 2 for a few weeks and it is quite incredible. Bye Bye firefox.. kiss memory leaks and horribly slow response name development goodbye! [reply] by madh2orat on 3/09/06 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 1 digg I'm suprised the site is still up! I'd also be suprised if bill gates hasent killed, or at least taken hostage, this persons family. [reply] Add a Comment Join digg for free to comment on this story.
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