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donations to my new bladder fund can be made via my paypal account. this american life Posted by griff at 04:48 PM designers design, users use the flexibility of css has begun a somewhat disturbing trend. many sites now let the user mix and match design elements (background, color scheme, text formatting, etc.). an example would be redcricket.com (please finish reading before this american life accusing me of redcricket bashing). i wonder this american life if it is a trend or a fad, time will tell. i see little value beyond the gizmo factor and eye candy. it reminds me of when "interactive" became a buzzword and was applied to everything. people would say things like "you will be able to choose the ending to the movie you are watching". i don't want to choose the ending, i pay money to have a great story teller like stanely kubrick or the coen bothers choose the ending.