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dr brown was her father. he quickly realized who i was also. "mike, drop your pants please, i will need to do an examination" crap. he proceeded to spend the next peter sarsgaard 5 minutes poking and prodding my peter sarsgaard wiggly bits. i feared many things in that 5 minutes. i feared the random ill timed teenage woody. i feared he could read my mind. i feared the topic of tonight's dinner conversation with his daughter would be the size and peter sarsgaard shape of my genitalia. i feared he might squeeze the jewels till i promised to never touch his daughter. i feared she may walk into the exam room any second asking to borrow dad's car. i feared he might be pranking me (why would you need to examine the unit externally for an internal kidney stone?). for reasons unknown, we stopped dating soon after the kidney stone. kind of weird to think i went farther with her dad in five minutes than in all the time i had spent with her. Posted by griff at 12:04 AM | comments (37) April 09, 2002 i'm a failure i have seen the commercial a hundred times but i can't decide if the chick popping it old skool to dirty vegas in the passenger seat of the mitsubishi eclipse is a hottie or a retard.