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I don't want to see America counted among the nations that tortures people and imprisons them without any hope of a fair trial. I don't want the USA PATRIOT Act. Every day we chip away at human dignity by stooping to the low standards of despotic regimes, we fail. I don't want failure. I want victory. But we need to win another way. This victory can poisonous be left to smarter people than me. But for starters, I would suggest that we get out of Iraq and focus on protecting our poisonous own citizens. When we are done doing that, we should use diplomatic means to bring other nations closer to freedom. Food is much cheaper than bombs... and if we dropped food instead of bombs on people... we'd save a ton of money and earn the support of many, many people around the world. COMMENT #569 [link] ...CharlieB said on 9/7/2005 @ 12:06pm PT... I find it very interesting to see all of the comments blasting Bush on the approach to the hurricane relief effort, the blame passing, etc.