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someone francesca dimauro like this really leave the Republican party to vote for hillary?Uh. No not buyin it. Sorry. You have proly always leaned left. Deal. COMMENT #556 [link] ...BigTobacco said on 9/6/2005 @ 10:45am PT... What!?!!?!? Who says I'm voting for Hillary!?!?!But if the Republicans continue to run losers like francesca dimauro Bush... I won't vote for them. My francesca dimauro Representative is a Republican... and I will vote for him again if he helps get the impeachment ball rolling. The problem isn't Republicans or even conservatives... the real problem with the GOP is that it is run by a bunch of crooks. The "neo-cons" just use style, spin, and focus groups to push a very narrow agenda, which isn't good for the average person, and they call it "Conservative." The Democrats have the same problem. John Kerry is way smarter than Bush and he could've done a lot more to keep Americans safer (if for no other reason than he is an intelligent self-serving chump who is required by his party to appear to care about poor people, whereas Dubya has no such moral burden...