“I said [Katie's] life pac sex

charlie croker, current affairs, song, wolf ticket, 2 pac picture, news for grownups, lori tan chinn, sex, product, parody, by eric gilliland, celebrity, awol, [Defamer] READ MORE: Tom pac Cruise, katie holmes Tom Cruise Heaps Praise Upon Kanye West Showing considerably better musical taste than he did when he tapped Limp Bizkit to update the Mission: Impossible theme for its last installment, Tom Cruise has chosen Kanye West to do the honors for MI:3. The noted hip-hop expert does the pac honors, via Access Hollywood: "As a fan of Kanye's work, I was thrilled at the prospect of him contributing his talents pac to 'M:i III.' We wanted to take this installment of 'Mission' to the next level and Kanye's music definitely added to accomplishing that goal. As we've done with the film, what he's done with the 'Mission' theme is going to blow people away," Tom Cruise said. Lest anyone think that Cruise wields a rubber-stamp for his soundtrack supervisors, the star/producer proved his bonafides by hanging around Rolling Stone's pre-Grammy party (featuring West) last night and offering profound insights into the music being performed: READ MORE: Tom Cruise, kanye west, top Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Sympathy For The Fiancée Part II: Small Change An operative contributes this report for our continuing series tracking the caffeine intake of improbably
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“I said [Katie's] life from now on was going to be about being a mother,” Cruise allegedly said. “I’m not giving her the chance sex to turn into another Nicole.” Cruise’s rep sex denies the story. Indeed, Cruise can't handle the heartbreak of being abandoned by another woman just a month before California law might entitle her to sex a cut of his hard-earned money for the rest of her life, and has no choice but to restrain Holmes with his love until the baby is born. But he knows that the temporary imprisonment of his partner is in the best interest of their family, and once she finally looks into the face of that newborn and recognizes the unmistakable bright eyes of that handsome, genetically perfect drone from the Celebrity Centre's Insemination Lab, she'll immediately pair-bond with the adorable clone and willingly abandon that troublesome acting career. Is Cruise putting Holmes on mommy track? [MSNBC]Previously: Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Sympathy For The Fiancée Part II: Small Change [Defamer]Cruise And Holmes: Trouble In Fake Paradise?
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