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the way, let the record show that after mulling it over for quite some time I called both my roommates and asked, “Who’s a good fictional dead person?” - not a standard question on a Wednesday afternoon. I explained the situation, and how I wanted to use Lt. Dan, francesca dimauro and they nor I could think of anything better. Just a little rare, behind-the-scenes glimpse at what goes on here at EIWWM. Look for the loaded DVD to come out in March.]2) “My francesca dimauro Big Fat Obnoxious Boss” is going to not only change the way francesca dimauro Americans view television, but also change the way we treat each other. This show may single-handedly erase racism, world hunger, and sexism in one fell swoop. I have such a boner.3) Nothing is worse than those IBM commercials about being “on-demand”. The two guys talk about I have no idea what (business or technology or some shit), and I hate them. I also hate the one in which they ask, “Do you guys ever talk about anything but servers?”