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Not because he has money, but just because it should have been me. Especially because of the way Ben’s going to spend it. When I asked him what he’d do with his $1000, he said, “I don’t know…I have a wedding in a few weeks, and the plane picture tupac ticket was kinda pricey, and I have to buy a new suit, so I guess that’s what I’ll spend it on.”Lame.So, so lame.Good lord - if I had won $1000 in a football pool, you’d picture tupac better believe picture tupac that the people at our local liquor store would like me a lot more. This is to say nothing of the lovely, Eastern European and Latin American young ladies who ply their trade nightly at Private Eyes over in Hell’s Kitchen. I’d probably break it down thusly:- $100 on good liquor from the liquor store- $100 on lap dances for my roommates- $400 on one hell of a night of drinking/booby-seeing- $60 on this- $200 on extra large Magnum condoms just to impress the hot girl who works behind the counter at CVS- $100 on presents for my family- $40 on lunchmeatAnd Ben’s spending it on a suit and a wedding.