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It’s a terribly by eric gilliland beautiful area, The sea front beneath the by eric gilliland crumbling cliffs, the tall, regal palms, the endless summer – And so many of the people there are terribly beautiful – the most beautiful boys and girls from all over the world, really – Cable TV actors, former models, and super-yoga/pillates/whatever-the-trend-is instructors.. more per square block than any place on earth. So nice to look at, for a few minutes, or days..that little bit of the Golden Coast – But search for earth beneath your feet – by eric gilliland and it seems that everything is covered by a glazed of plasticine, a sort of personality shellac. The beauty is real and it is artifica, and Beauty is more than skin deep – there’s a perfection of attitudes, of dialogue among those in-the-know in Santa Monica – Hipness goes beyond the obviously superficial, and begins to affect the deeper aspects of personality – as though everyone is reading from the same self-help books – self-realization for interminably beautiful and tv-witty and charming.