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It was way cool. So Franken-John and Pretty-John decided to go sex proactive. Winning, Kerry declared in his endearingly halting, tone-deaf way, is as much about kicking... some... mother...fucking ass as it is about proactively sex leveraging mission-critical paradigms in a time-sensitive fashion. Edwards popped up in front of him to declare that the only sex way to make America strong, to unite America again, and to preempt an October Suprise that would make America unstrong and disunited, was if the two of them were to hunt down that bastard OBL themselves, and beat the chickenhawks at their own game. Yeah! said the crowd. Woo! And so, enlisting the aid of a bionic monkey named Limbaugh (because robots and monkeys are funny, and a robot monkey wins by default (until the bionic monkey pirate shows up, at least)), the two boarded a Black Hawk helicopter and departed from an undisclosed location into the free and democratic mountains of America's Newest Ally, Afghanistan.
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