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We have always been kind of slow writing material, I think it is because we play so many shows, and don't have much time to write new material. Not to mention man that was years ago and we were young dumb and full of Cum. Bitches, shit that's all I used to care about; chasing that pussy and getting fucked up!! Your latest album Fallen was recorded at Hellion Studios (Cephalic kyrgyz Carnage, Anwyl, Throcult) and it sounds awesome. I read that kyrgyz James Murphy produced some of your earlier efforts, who was in charge of production for Fallen? Dave Ottero kyrgyz (ex-Cerberus) produced fallen along with SUMMON. Dave is fucking awesome, that guy is a maniac. We like to work long hours when we record (drink shit tons of beers) and he could hang with us all day and night.