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I love Europe way more the beer is better the people are really outgoing not so stuck up. Over there it doesn't seem to be this huge separation between black metal and Death metal. Here people that are true Black metal fiends would say fuck death metal, and I think it all came from the same place we need to unite and become one crazy fucking scene!!!!! No separations that is what rap and Shit Nu Metal branding is for branding Separation from the strong and the total shit!! I see you’ve branding postponed current touring due to the hunt for a new drummer… What happened there? Fuck!!!!!!! Have you ever had a roommate for 5 years? You know you kind of fight a little! Well we fight a little. Well we are like a family and if I had a brother I would kick his fucking ass!! It is all the same with this band we have been through so much shit, but like brotherly love you always make up!!!