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One day what comes around goes around sweetie...And its going to probably ryan bowker hit you hard in your rude comments. Cause what ur saying is wrong...And by the way im a teen mother of a wonderful child and i can do all is possible to keep up with my education and my son life...i go to ryan bowker school,study, and do all my job as a mother. What makes me be what u said about us teen ryan bowker mothers? i think u should just keep your mouth shut and keep all the Bullsh*t closed up. Yvette (Happily Proud Teen Mother) You website enrages me to a point where I boil. You obviously have suffered some sort of mental trauma possibly molestation.I have serious disregard for your lack of humanity. I am reminded of Nazi Germany. And Hitler. Your Hate is what makes this world wrong. People Like you are the ones who should drink those volatile cocktails of poison.