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. . menefreghismo . . . Great stuff, wide open spaces of new this and that to jarhead collector's edition (widescreen) sit around thinking about instead of actually doing anything, but take it from The Wise Old Wise Ass - You ain't Dean Martin, jarhead collector's edition (widescreen) kid. Damn right you wouldn't want nobody hanging around after a few decades of being surrounded by thugs, killers, con artists, musicians, comedians, movie stars - The Friggin' Scum Of The Earth. Anybody else - All this "aloof", "distant", "jaded" "ironic" jarhead collector's edition (widescreen) business is a loada tripe. Somebody wants to talk to you - You just talk to em and be damn nice about it. People want you to come over and hang out for a little while - You take a shower, brush your teeth, and be sure to show up with a six pack or a pineapple upsidedown cake. Who the hell are ypu to pull that Greta Garbo foolishness? See, what nobody's bothered to tell you kids is that .