poisonous, vice president, tarot, timothy mcsweeney's, tooshort — ( somethin to ride to lyrics ), skins, satire, signs, kathleen miller, skinheads, name development, humorous, alcohol,
Posted by: suze | May 04, 2005 at 09:39 PM I think you (and Charlie) should spend the weekend on those wonderful sheets from YOUR MOM with a good book. Can I recommend _Guns, Germs and Steel_? FEEL THE LOVE, or at least the thread count. --SJ Posted by: SusieJ christian | May 04, 2005 at 09:55 PM So sorry you're blue - christian this week just sucks. It's been fucking RAINING BABIES the past week, and having to go out and buy Mother's Day cards was brutal - christian just like in the Within the Woods post - seeing those "for the mother of my children" and "for my mommy" cards just broke my heart. And so what do we do on Mother's Day to hide? All the "let's go have fun" things I can think of would have lots of families there - except the casino, but the weather's supposed to be too damn nice to spend a day inside. I love all 6 women I got cards for, but FUCK Mother's Day.