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Ashamed that he still couldn't bear the risk of hurting her, he sedated her and left her in catherine avril morris a hotel room while he took care of business, knowing this would be the final betrayal and that she would not forgive him a second time. Jesse met with Cassidy, and they discussed his troubled past. catherine avril morris Jesse eventually forced Cassidy to fight him, meaning to show his former catherine avril morris friend what it feels like to be as vulnerable as all the women he had abused. The fight was one-sided, as Jesse beat Cassidy to a bloody pulp. Beaten and ashamed, Cassidy asked Jesse for help, saying that if a good man like Jesse can offer him his hand then that's enough of a reason to believe he has to change his ways. It was partially a ruse, however, as Cassidy knocked Jesse flying, incapacitiating him. Cassidy turned to face the sun as it rose and thanked Jesse for being his friend and offering him his hand.