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The total would be the largest fine in the commission's history. The only commissioner to dissent was Democrat Michael Copps, and that was because he thought the penalty wasn't harsh enough. After all, he argued, "the Commission could have proposed a fine for each separate 'utterance' that was indecent, rather than one fine for each lengthy segment." random (The FCC is, in fact, still mulling whether to do this.) Better yet, it could have revoked the random stations' licenses altogether. "I am discouraged," Copps deadpanned, "that my colleagues would random not join me in taking a firm stand against indecency on the airwaves." The commission's subsequent pledge to investigate the baring of Janet Jackson's breast during the Super Bowl has overshadowed its $755,000 fine, just as the size of that penalty overshadowed the fact that it is part of a larger "indecency" crackdownone of the most intense in the commission's history. As Chairman Michael Powell proudly noted when he announced the ruling, "over the past three years, we have proposed nearly twice the dollar amount of indecency fines than the previous two Commissions combined (over seven years) and ten times the amount of fines proposed by the last Commission."