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The BFG from Doom 3, as with all of the weapons, pranks had been overhauled, and required reloading. It only held four shots at a time, but had its own ammunition type (as opposed to pranks using the same ammunition as the plasma gun). By holding down the pranks "fire" key, the player can "charge" the weapon for a more powerful shot with a wider detonation radius. However, if the player holds on too long, the weapon overloads and (apparantly) discharges the shot into the player, killing him/her. The BFGv3.14 in Doom (film). The BFG in the Doom movie is identified, on a computer monitor, as "Bio Force Gun version 3.14" (the number is possibly in reference to the games [the 3] and Section 14 of Tom Hall's original Doom design document [the .14], or just the number pi) and, unlike in the video games, the gun is not labeled as '9000'. When obtained, the Rock's character calls it a "big fucking gun". This gun has no apparent clip, suggesting that it is recharged in its special storage system (or possibly when not in use).