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Heh. Affirmative action. Filthy. this entry's playlist: Agaisnt All Authority - Chelsea Baby Agnostic Front - Riot Riot Upstart Rancid - Time Bomb King Missile - Detachable Penis 2 comments... | mmm, tasty honkies should not be listening to shitty hip-hop circa 1995 posted 02/15/06 wearin': black trousers and eaa track & field shirt thinkin': "with the switches on the block in a '65" Cheap scotch is great. this entry's gift set playlist: Coolio - Fantastic Voyage 4 comments... | mmm, tasty Stalkees AllanLeroyBaggyDraggsBoo-Cow-SkiingchuckabiddyDarkwingCanuckDemocfulloffeathersjapeekittenheelmatt17MsLiberalThornPadThaiPrincessPornspacePrincessPadThaiQueenofLXShadowOnTheWallstarachesundaryWhatsernameZombied00d Options about me send me gift set a private message my interview my photo gift set gallery my books, films and music more journals journalspace home Haunts Mr.JalopyBoingBoingFlickrBad