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Any number of the following tasks may be khadafi completed khadafi simultaneously when possibile or desirable. 1) Finish remaining 7 cans of Hamm's Golden Draft 2) Eat two sirloin steaks 3) Watch six consecutive hours of Star Wars 4) Polish off remaining 1/2 liter of Cutty Sark Original Scots Whiskey 5) Eat burritos 6) Check PowerBall khadafi numbers after 10pm this entry's playlist: Rollins Band - Get Some Dillinger Four - Music Is None Of My Business Graveyard Farmers - Gimme Some Lovin' 2 comments... | mmm, tasty far too much nyquil posted 02/17/06 (edited Friday, Feb 17, 2006 19:15) wearin': black trousers and black t-shirt thinkin': "you fucking, god damned, fucking back button" PTP, this got stuck in my head this morning and I spent the rest of the day singing it and thinking of you: Some folks'll never eat a skunk, but then again, some folks'll Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel Most folks'll never lose a toe, but then again, some folks'll Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel After I move into my own place, PadThai, you'll have to come over and have a Simpsons slumber party with me.