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I think we performed these rituals for a fortnight, before the Church's main preacher began recommending the Harry Potter books to everyone. It is of my belief that Satan coerced the preacher into making this recommendation. As I was dragged more and more into Satan's clutches, I put a morgaine swann killing curse on both of my parents; a curse that I learned directly from Satan himself. At first, the curse had no effect. morgaine swann I believed that Satan did not murder my parents because I was not loyal enough to him. I attempted to prove my loyalty thereafter by wandering the streets of my town at night and attacking defenseless animals and attempting to drink their blood. This did not make me ill, Satan made sure of that. Shortly after, my mother died in a car crash. I had proven my loyalty to Satan and he had rewarded me by granting one of my wishes. At this point, my memory becomes fuzzy. I don't remember much of anything for a while after that, but my father tells me now that I was muttering incomprehensible words and acting out in a wicked manner every day.