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318TaylorI support this petition.317bri-briI support this petition black history totally i hate the wholedamn ida of racism it is sick it black history is cruel and itis wrong people should not be judged by the colorof their skin but by their character andpersonality and i think that the people who do notsupport this petiotn are just sayin that they areracists themselves!!!316ALL PEOPLE SUCKI don't support this petition. I hate people of all races fortheir lack of character,not black history for their colorscheme,lol315you dumb ass nigger loving turdheadsI see it unfolding ....the nasty niggersaren't even gonna fight their own war. Theirgetting stupid dumb ass liberal whites to do itthrough the liberal media brainwashing. Dumb asswhite people (no kin to me) fought to free em,made laws that you can't kill em (legally),set up programs to house and feed em, and pay emto populate the country, while they drivecadillacs and drink colt45, NOW these same dumbasswhite punk ass wanna Be's are fighting for em.